Anthropology of Satisfaction, 01:43, © 2006

It is the third work by Evaldas Jansas of “Anthropology” film series (previous ones: “Anthropology of Fake Documentation: Violence”, 2004; and “Anthropology of Abuse”, 2004). The narrative of the film is based on a very ‘personal story’ of the man (it could be fiction or not), and his reflection to the advertisement mediated society. The video work is constructed of documentary and animated images, whish stimulate a comic, ironic and farce like perception. The story by the artist is told in a particularly sincere manner, which reminds the strategy of suggestibility used in advertisement. It makes a contrast with objective images (inversion of advertisement strategies) and knocks out of experiencing the usual satisfaction. The question is: is it a contemporary capitalism which laughs at me, or it is me, making parody of it? (D.Tumpytė)